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Director General Chen Qiuyan Hosts Banquet for Departing Japanese Consul General in Guangzhou

2018-08-28 10:35:06

On August 21, Director General Chen Qiuyan hosted a banquet for Saito Norio, the departing Japanese Consul-General in Guangzhou at the Protocol Building.

Chen highly commended Saito for what he has done as Japanese Consul General in Guangzhou. He said that the Consul General has worked to facilitate the exchanges and cooperation between Guangdong and Japan during his tenure, and the two sides have conducted fruitful cooperation in such areas as trade, manufacturing, technology, environmental protection and culture. This year marks the 40th anniversary of the signing of the China-Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship and of China’s reform and opening-up. Comprehensive exchanges and cooperation between China and Japan have contributed to Guangdong Province’s achievements. Noting that Guangdong is comprehensively deepening reform and opening-up and accelerating the building of new systems for an open economy, Chen said he hopes the Consulate General will continuously play his role as a bridge which encourages more Japanese companies to invest in Guangdong and helps expand pragmatic cooperation and people-to-people exchanges between the two sides.

Saito thanked Chen and GDFAO for their support during his term of office. Japan and Guangdong are enjoying close trade and economic relations and cultural exchanges, he said, adding that he hopes the two sides will work together to take their friendly relations to a new high.
