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Guangdong Signs Framework Agreement on Strategic Cooperation with ABB Group

2018-11-16 13:00:17

GUANGZHOU, Nov. 13, 2018--The People's Government of Guangdong signed the framework agreement on strategic cooperation with ABB Group. Governor Ma Xingrui, President and CEO of ABB Group Ulrich Spiesshofer signed the agreement on behalf of Guangdong and ABB respectively.

Before the signing, Ma met with Spiesshofer and his team. Ma said that Guangdong is implementing President Xi Jinping's important instructions on deepening opening up and further expanding market access to foreign investment in accordance with the arrangements of the CPC Central Committee, and has formulated a series of measures such as “Policies and Measures of Guangdong Province on Further Expanding Opening-up and Actively Attracting Foreign Direct Investment”, so as to create a more fair, transparent, convenient and attractive investment environment.

Ma pointed out that Guangdong, with huge market potential, is at a critical stage of transition to high-quality development, which brings important opportunities for foreign enterprises including ABB. He encouraged ABB to further increase its investment in Guangdong, set up regional headquarters, and comprehensively strengthen practical cooperation in the fields of new energy, rail transit, intelligent manufacturing and smart cities so as to achieve win-win development.

Spiesshofer said that ABB and Guangdong have long maintained good cooperation. He hoped that both sides can take this opportunity to give full play to ABB's technological advantages. ABB will provide more intelligent solutions for Guangdong to improve its energy mix, catalyze industrial transformation and upgrading, and help Guangdong to achieve high-quality development.


According to the Framework Agreement, Guangdong and ABB will cooperate in the fields of electrics, energy, advanced manufacturing, new energy vehicles, rail transit and smart cities. With its technological advantages, ABB will integrate its upstream and downstream partners and attract key domestic and foreign enterprises of related fields to develop in Guangdong.

Vice Governor Chen Liangxian also attended the meeting.